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Monday, March 4, 2013


One question that many people ask is whether I have gotten bored yet. Although I truly do not enjoy lying around all day, I somehow do not get that bored. Sure, I have my moments of not knowing what to do next, but overall, I keep fairly 'busy.' By the time I read my Bible and fictional books, go through mail, look at the magazines I didn't have time to go through before, eat, get Lily ready for the day, take my shower, order things we need via the internet, talk on the phone (one of my biggest past-times), text, email, coordinate Lily's schedule, play with Lily, go to my weekly doctor's visit, visit with the people that are here helping in one form or another, it makes for a full day! Keeping the logistics straight is almost a full time job. I am typically exhausted and ready for bed when 10pm rolls around.

There has definitely been an adjustment period for Matt, Lily and me. Matt has much more on his shoulders. Lily has also been asked to complete more tasks around the house that she doesn't normally do. For instance, she puts the clean silverware away, folds washcloths, sets the table before dinner. She has been testing the new boundaries. Discipline has gotten a little bit more rigid since she is testing us. Matt and I are staying strong and on the same page. It seems to be helping.

Bea helped me clean out the playroom closet last week, which will soon become Lily's new bedroom. It feels so good to have that closet cleaned! A weight off my shoulders. Bea took everything out of the closet and put it onto our king sized bed. I sat on the corner of the bed and sorted, pitched, purged, made giveaway piles. It was a hodgepodge of stuff! Matt and his dad painted her new room on Saturday. It is a pale blue. Very pretty. It will compliment her new bedding very well. Her new closet will probably go in next week. Then, it will be getting her bed set up and all her clothes moved over to the new closet. AND THEN, we have to start on baby boy's room......Oh, I think of all the stuff that needs done and my head spins. I am 27 weeks and a few days (every day counts). I keep thinking, I only have 13 weeks to complete this (if that). 13 weeks seems like a long time, but when I can't do much of it and I am counting on Matt, family and friends, it is quite a bit to complete! I am trying to keep in mind that it doesn't need to be "perfect" or even "done" in order for a baby to come home. And truly, I do know that. However, sometimes I think the nesting instinct takes over and I desire things to be ready for this little man. We have been waiting for a baby's healthy/normal homecoming for years and it would be nice to have it all put together before that happens. God is in control...........

Been watching Blackhawk's Bible Hour on TV on Sundays. One thing Kelly Byrd challenged everyone with was to erase the words FATE, LUCK, and DESTINY from our vocab.

G'ma isn't doing well. I hardly can bear to know she is suffering. She has good days and bad days.

Still no set baby's name. Had a list. Widdled it down. And then we keep adding to it. Girl names are plentiful. But we are having a boy. Boys names are harder. So, this child is nameless still for now.

Funny Lily story: I had said a couple of times that the baby had kicked my bladder so I needed to go to the bathroom. The other day I was on my way to the bathroom. Lily asked, "Did the baby kick your filter again?" She's been saying it ever since!

Last, but not least, we have recently had to change our important bedtime matters to only allowing Lily to come down if it is an EMERGENCY! She seemed to always have important matters to discuss.........And there are still plenty of emergencies every night:)

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