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Sunday, June 26, 2011

Overdue update

I have not blogged in exactly a month! Lots to put down.....

~Been spending as much time as I can enjoying the summer, which means going to the park with Lily and friends, making simpler meals, and going to the lake.

~Matt's bro Jon and his fiance got to stay with us last week and it was nice to get to know Polly better. She is a quality, southern girl. Their wedding is in October. I am sad to have to miss it, but probably will be Indiana-bound until this baby arrives.

~Lily said, "I suppose I should..." yesterday. It was so funny hearing "suppose" coming from a 3 year old.

~Matt also taught her the word repulsive a few days ago. She is getting it down, but hasn't used it on her own yet.

~I had cousins here last week that we rarely see. Glad we got to catch up with them a bit. They are 17 and 18 and it was nice to have a real conversation with them, as they are growing into young ladies! Beautiful. Wish I had a pic....Somehow we forgot to take a pic of all the girls in our generation that were enjoying the lake together.

~Go back to doctor tomorrow. Found a couple of small hemorrhages on my ultrasound a couple of weeks ago. Put me on pelvic rest. No strenuous activity, including lifting Lily. Hasn't been too bad, except going to grocery:( I had to ask one of the workers last time I was there to lift her into the cart and then back out again. The Meijer lady was great about it and Lily didn't freak out with a stranger touching her, so all turned out to be fine. I am not supposed to have another ultrasound tomorrow, but I bet I will end up with one. I am having some pressure/pain.....Really hoping that I do not end up on bedrest tomorrow...Praying those blood bubbles have decreased or gone away.

~Feeling good overall. Staying rested has been so good for this pregnancy. I FEEL good.

~Need to do my books for Trifle. Things are piling up:(

~We have new recipe boxes for Trifle. Very neat boxes. Grandpa Zook made them, then my friend decorated them. I will include a pic of a couple of them, although they are more fabulous in person. I cannot determine which one is my favorite because they are all unique and fun.

~Still have a rental vehicle. My car is supposed to be done this coming week. Not sure if I really want it back. Not sure if I will get over the memory of driving it the last time. And, I am hoping it runs like new. I really don't want to get it back and then it not work properly...

~Still going to chiropractor from accident. Lily has been released, but my neck is still a little knotty in a really bizarre place from being thrown the way we were.

~Lily still talks about the accident. Not kidding, right after it happened, we talked about it about 10 times a day. Now we only talk about it approximately once a day. However, she is still processing it. I wonder if it will be one of her first memories that stay with her?!?!?!

~Hoping to rent our little cottage again this year. However, I am feeling as though it may be contingent on tomorrow's appointment.

~Mom's lake place has just turned out amazing. It is tranquil and mostly perfect. We all love to gather there as much as we can. The rain has been a little bit of a bummer, but hopefully it will get better as we head into July.