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Saturday, April 13, 2013

Nuggets of Truth

The LORD gives little nuggets of truth, inspiration, peace when I am in the midst of anything. It seems as though biblical truths pertain to us directly. Sometimes I have read a passage before and sometimes I have not. Sometimes I notice a different nugget of the same verse or sometimes I remember the verse before or after it, but I don't recall the verse that pertains this time around. I love the way that the verses speak to us through the HOLY SPIRIT at different times in our lives.

Below is the verse that I came across yesterday. I emailed it to some of you because I loved how pertinent it was. Before I give the verse, I must confess that I went into the doctor's office early yesterday (before my scheduled appointment). I was having such horrific pain. It wasn't contractions, but it was constant pain that brought tears! I honestly thought I was going to end up in the hospital. We figured out that the baby was on a nerve/pressure point. Once we got him off that nerve, I was fine! (exhausted from the excruciating pain that lasted hours and a little embarrassed that it wasn't more serious as the pain had indicated, but fine) So when I got home and read the verse I was encouraged that the craziness of our every day lives is not in vain, but does have a purpose.

Ecclesiastes 5:11

"Just as you do not know the path of the wind and how bones are formed in the womb of the pregnant woman, so you do not know the activity of God who makes all things."

Another version says at the end: "so you cannot understand the work of God, the Maker of all things."

It correlates well with Romans 8:28 "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose."

We may not understand it, but we know that it is for HIS good. I do not know why I am on bedrest or why I have pregnancy hiccups happening constantly (I am not being overly dramatic or being a hypochondriac) or why my grandma is dying when I cannot visit her or why a friend's marriage is rocky, ETC. BUT I do know that God is orchestrating it all and it is for his glory.

This pregnancy despite its struggles has been such a redemption. A redemption of many aspects of our lives. And once this little man is here. The redemption is going to be even greater. I am starting tire of being pregnant and ready to meet this (still nameless) little guy. Sounds like I have a definitive answer of 3 more weeks of bedrest. I am 33 weeks and would be 36 weeks at that time. If I go into labor at 36 weeks, my doctor would not stop it. And therefore, we have 2 weeks and 5 more days of this living situation. Truthfully, as I have stated previously, Matt and I are worried about my strength level after the 36 mark. I still don't know if I will be able to go to the grocery, attend many social outings, make dinner, etc. But as HE has done all along, I know that God will provide a person that will call and offer themselves. The person that does our grocery shopping was going to be gone this coming Friday. I knew I needed to ask someone to help. On Friday morning, a sweet lady that we know from Blackhawk Ministries (our former church) called and offered to do some errands for me. I didn't have to worry about it-God had someone in mind that was going to call and offer. These are not coincidences! How amazing are HIS works?

PS If you know someone in a situation similar and don't know what to do to help: I have figured out the best thing anyone can do is call them once a week. (Put it on your calendar because you will have a good intention of doing it, but may not remember to do it.) Offer something specific: Dinner, errands, transporting kids, watching kids, grocery, Starbucks, etc. If you are going to Target, call and offer to get them the things they need at Target. You don't have to go way out of your way.........The people that call, text, email on a consistent basis are the ones that are the most helpful. One week I may not need something from Target, Walgreens, Sam's Club, but the next, I do! That's been my experience/observation.