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Monday, November 8, 2010

Baby Post is HERE!!!! Candace had a rough delivery early Saturday morning. However, baby Henry Paul Post is here and doing well.

Thought seeing the baby for the first time would have some affect on me. It did. However, it was different than what I expected it to be. Because of the rough delivery, they have been watching his platelet count and kept having to stick him with the needle in his heel and legs. And poor Henry kept whimpering and crying. It was really tough for me to watch him go through that, since I had watched Daisy go through that over and over. The worst part is that Daisy had tubes down her throat so I did not hear her cry. When Henry was crying, I just kept thinking how much pain Daisy must have been in and we didn't hear it. I knew she was in pain and I knew she would have been crying if she could have. However, it is easier not to think about it when she was going through it, since I was pretty much helpless. They kept telling us when Daisy was in the NICU that she was on pain killers so she didn't feel it as much. BUT, I know she still was being poked and prodded more than you want your baby to be.

I am still processing the new baby in the family. I am truly happy for Briton and Candace. Lily is a little jealous, but will adjust. I struggle with the fact that Daisy would have been a perfect fit. Two girls and a boy. The three of them would have had so much fun. I am happy Lily finally has someone to play with though. She is always taking care of her baby doll: feeding her, changing her diaper, putting her to bed. So, to actually have a real baby to help take care of, then to have a cousin to play with will be fabulous. Briton and I did not have that growing up. All of our cousins were much younger. Even though Lily doesn't have a sibling, I am grateful that she is going to have a cousin. I can just imagine them at the lake swimming together and at Chritmas playing with each other's toys.....I cannot wait til Henry is able to PLAY!!!

Picture is of Briton holding his new son, Henry Paul Post 5 pounds, 10 ounces.