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Sunday, June 27, 2010

Dusti is here....and we have been busy!

The week flew by....I cannot believe it is already Sunday.

My Aunt Dusti is here, with her husband and three boys. Mom, Grandma, Dusti and I went to Indy on Thursday. Good day just to spend the four of us. We shopped and ate out; and of course, stopped at a furniture store for Mom's project. I don't get to get involved much in the building process, so it was fun to watch her picking out furniture. The day was good. I think we all know with my grandma being 80 that the times we are able to do this are probably numbered. She still got around okay, but had to rest....And we, of course, play chauffeur and pick her up and drop her off at the entrances. It is so nice that she is still able to join us because it is not complete without her.

Last night, Dusti's family, B & C, Mom, Grandma and John came down for a last minute card night. Dusti's husband, Greg, won first place! We ordered pizza and everyone brought a dish--it turned out to be really yummy and a fun night. Glad we were able to all pull together for a fun-filled evening before Greg went back to Belgium. I ended up making broccoli salad from my garden-YUM. Fresh broccoli has no competition! Lily played around the house while we played cards. She was a fantastic entertainer.....And she entertained herself enough that we could play cards.

We also went to a BBQ on Friday night at a friend's house. John and Emily had the slip'n slide hooked up, along with little kids pool. The kids (there were 6 of them and everyone had a playmate about their age!) ran around outside and played in the water. The guys ended up after dinner on their patio with the kids. The girls sat in the screen in porch and chatted. It was a perfect summer BBQ.

I love being busy, but then I need a couple of down days....So today is that...a down day. It was supposed to rain. Honestly, I was looking forward to the rain so we would have a reason to stay inside! Sad, I know...But true.

I am realizing that I am to the point that people don't ask me about how I am coping any longer. It is an awkward spot to be in, somewhat. I am not obsessed with grieving any longer; and I think people are not sure what to say/ask. So, no one asks; and I don't feel like I should bring it up all the time.....I know people aren't forgetting (yet), but it is rough emotionally to be in the transition of people's lives moving on. Life does move on. It is a fact of life, but I hate it. It is discouraging knowing that most of the time, I am still the only one that is thinking about it. Even close friends and family don't ask me any longer how I am doing or what it feels like now....Someone recently who had lost a child twenty years ago told me that she felt so mad when people forgot and now I am understanding what she is saying. It is a slow process, but it hurts to see people moving on with life when I am not quite ready to do so. But again, I know that it is a fact of life. People do move on; some people will eventually forget. And, because it is a sensitive issue, if people do remember, they must not know what to say or are afraid of saying the wrong thing. It is new portion of the grieving process....One that indirectly hurts so badly that I am back to crying often. I guess it just a lonely place to be. Even though we have been so busy, at the end of the day, I am struck with grief because nothing had been mentioned, but my heart is still remembering and missing Daisy. I cannot believe she has been gone almost six months. Six months is half of the first (and hardest?) year.

Lily and Matt went to the zoo--I opted not to go since it is so hot. Must go get things done while they are out.

I am posting the Plum Tart in my Tried and True recipes (on the right hand side) that I made twice this weekend and everyone seemed to enjoy.