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Sunday, May 22, 2011

Three Year Old Party

Lily's birthday party was a success. Birthday number 3 has been the best yet. She "got" it that it was her birthday and that she was turning three. She really enjoys having people around--she was the center of attention in whatever room she was in and loved it.

We ordered pizza because that is her FAVORITE! My mother-in-law made the salad. And I picked up a cake from For Goodness Cakes (they are putting in a store front coming soon!) Everyone pitched in since my week was a little crazier than expected. Somehow I still spent the day yesterday prepping and getting the house ready. However, I was grateful to keep it simple and to have help.

Lily received a couple Bitty Baby accessories, books, a personalized picture memory book that is amazing, tricycle, helmet, dolls for her dollhouse. The girl got several fantastic gifts and many of them are perfectly "needed" for her playtimes.

Aunt Dusti sent some party hats. All the girls were wearing them, but the guys decided to playfully wear them too. I had asked everyone to wear pink. Most people came dressed for the occasion so we could take a picture of all of us in pink.