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Thursday, May 26, 2011

Babies are Miracles + Yummy new cookie recipe!

The top half of this is a little heavy, but the bottom half is delicious!

A "former" nurse told me when I was on bedrest with Daisy that having a healthy baby is a miracle that we do not really think that much about. Her point was there is so much that can go wrong that we forget how tenderly perfect having a baby is.

That memory keeps resonating with me as I hear of pregnancy/infant problems. Some people have a hard time getting pregnant; some miscarry often; some have stillborns; some have preemies; some have babies with missing organs that are born and live a very short life; some ultrasound results are inconclusive. There are so many situations that I hear of. I know that I am more sensitive to the whole topic now than I was before, but I am reminded often that new life is a miracle. And of course b/c of pregnancy hormones, I am more emotional about my and other people's experience.

I made a meal for a pregnant friend that is struggling with some possible test "results". I am scared sick for her and the baby. God is in control~but there is a possibility of painful things to come.

I made them some cookies....When I sat down to write, I didn't know it was going to be so heavy. In fact, I was really writing to include info on my new favorite cookies. My friend, Abby, who has the Our Little Hope blog posted them recently and I finally got to try them. They are grain free, dairy free, and (refined) sugar free and DELICIOUS! I will admit, I was a little skeptical, but they are too good to be true. I posted them in my recipe page. YUM--worth every cent! (Almond flour is expensive, but so worth it in these cookies!)

I froze some and will have to let you know how they turn out after they have been frozen, then thawed. I am assuming they will be fine.

PS I also just posted the blog that these cookies came from on my blog list. It is the primal palate one. I am really excited about all the recipes they have on their blog. If the rest of their food is as good as the cookies, I am in business! Now I just have to start trying the recipes......

Sunday, May 22, 2011

Three Year Old Party

Lily's birthday party was a success. Birthday number 3 has been the best yet. She "got" it that it was her birthday and that she was turning three. She really enjoys having people around--she was the center of attention in whatever room she was in and loved it.

We ordered pizza because that is her FAVORITE! My mother-in-law made the salad. And I picked up a cake from For Goodness Cakes (they are putting in a store front coming soon!) Everyone pitched in since my week was a little crazier than expected. Somehow I still spent the day yesterday prepping and getting the house ready. However, I was grateful to keep it simple and to have help.

Lily received a couple Bitty Baby accessories, books, a personalized picture memory book that is amazing, tricycle, helmet, dolls for her dollhouse. The girl got several fantastic gifts and many of them are perfectly "needed" for her playtimes.

Aunt Dusti sent some party hats. All the girls were wearing them, but the guys decided to playfully wear them too. I had asked everyone to wear pink. Most people came dressed for the occasion so we could take a picture of all of us in pink.

Friday, May 20, 2011

My baby is THREE!

Lily turned three today. Totally a fun age. Way better than 1 and 2! She is funny and animated. Today her vocab included ruined and actually (actuawe). Love the use of the words. I didn't know she knew the word ruined until today!

Pics of her helping me make the cake and then eating it.

Tomorrow is our family party.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Why is there always drama when I am expecting?

Lily and I were in a bad car accident today (so hopefully the drama is short-lived). A semi-truck hit us. I walked away and so did Lily. I am amazed at God's timing. One split second earlier and I think I would be in a hospital bed right now. God's timing was good. It damaged our car, probably totaled it, yet we are fine.

I tensed my stomach (and whole body) as the truck was hitting us. Of course, I am ultra-worried about the baby........And yet, there is nothing I can do at this point. I am resting on the sofa, trying to get my body to relax; praying that the baby was protected as an on-call OB told me it probably would be.

Matt is off to get a rental car til we know what the next step is.

I am praising God that my Lily is well. Having lost one child, I cannot bear to think about losing another. Lily is healthy and God be the praise.

Friday, May 13, 2011

New News - 8 weeks and counting.....

I had been going to zumba on a regular basis and my stomach and hips were getting flatter, finally. Now, my belly is a little swollen, especially after I eat.

On Mother's Day, I was riding in the car with my parents.

My mom said, "I am hungry."
My dad said, "Me too."
I said, "Me three and four."

I am pregnant. And we are excited. We are asking everyone to pray for the health of this baby. And for me. I am optimistic. I know that God is in control. His best for this child will be what it is.

The last week has been good. As I have seen people, I have been able to tell some of them the news.

Lily's vocab continues to get funnier and better. Thursday she said something, then she said, "Isn't that incredible?" I cracked up! But I cannot laugh too hard or she asks me why I am laughing and I don't want to hurt her feelings.

She also has been pretending to have binoculars. She puts her hands up to her eyes and looks out her binoculars and looks for whatever item she has on her minds.

Being the sweet dad that he is, Matt said to Lily the other night, "I am going to tell you four things that I love about you." He named the four. Lily then said, "I want five!" I guess everyone loves to hear good things about themselves....haha.

Every time we pray, Lily wants to pray for the baby in my belly. I hope she continues to be so ready to pray.

Lily will be THREE! this week. Crazy. Off to finish paying bills, then to rest. The last week or so has been a little rocky with pregnancy woozies.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

I have a good idea.....

Lily's favorite new phase:

"I have a good idea." It precedes half of all things that come out of her mouth. I am not exaggerating.

"I have a good idea. Let's go on an ba-enture." (adventure)

"I have a good idea. Let's go to the store."

"I have a good idea. I want peanut butter and apple."

"I have a good idea. Can I watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while you take your shower?"

"I have a good idea. Baby can come with us." (Baby is her imaginary friend...)

Another new favorite phrase:

"My doctor says I can't eat that." Manipulation at its best.....

Random, she calls robins, chicken birds. Several mornings last week she said, "Look! I see a chicken bird." She called another animal a donut-pecker this morning. I don't think she even knows what a donut is....I think she got it mixed up with a woodpecker because we've been talking about woodpeckers recently. Who knows.

She's in bed now, but I am absolutely certain she will have 100 good ideas tomorrow. :)