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Tuesday, February 22, 2011


I woke up yesterday morning to Lily calling my name. I had been sound asleep, so I bounded into her room, no glasses, no robe. I asked her what she needed and she said, "It is TO-DAY" and she pointed outside. She was trying to make the point that she had seen daylight. I told her that it was TO-DAY, but mommy was still sleeping. She told me, "No, it is TO-DAY!!!" I finally realized she wasn't going to entertain herself in her bedroom. So, we ended up getting up. However, I am a little worried that if she gets up with the sunlight, we may be in trouble in the next few months!

This morning, I went into her bedroom and found Ernie and one of her babies each in a pair of her pajamas. She is currently really into dressing her babies/animals in HER clothes. IT IS A MESS though. She rummages through her closet and drawers, gets out all possible options and starts dressing and re-dressing her babies, animals and herself! Many afternoons, she is in different clothes than what I left her in, which creates much more laundry than need be, but I guess I find it too humorous to put a stop to it.

We are still in BSF (Bible Study Fellowship), but it seems as though it is canceled about every other week, since Christmas. I guess it is somewhat nice because it is not so much pressure to get the work done and it is nice to have a break. However, I also miss the consistency of getting together with the other girls and reviewing what we've learned from the scripture/questions. Since schools were closed today, we are canceled for tomorrow's BSF. So, Lily and I are going to have to find something else to do doing our time off.

The picture is of Lily helping Matt make chocolate torte last week.