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Monday, March 11, 2013

If you come to our house for any reason.....

I will probably be on my sheet-covered sofa in the front room. There will be piles of stuff all around me. If Lily is home, there will be at least one pair of scissors on the coffee table, along with tape and construction paper. She thinks it is crucial for me to have an animal or baby watching me, so there will more than likely be a baby sitting next to me on the sofa.

I will not have makeup on. My hair may or may not be done. And done I mean not standing up. Washing my hair at this point is a "big" deal. I will be in sweats. My belly will be hidden underneath a large sweatshirt/sweater that I probably am ashamed that I still own.

There is a trashcan now located next to the sofa so that I have a place for trash. Bea (and Matt) didn't like that trash was accumulating on the table and floor.

Next to me, I typically have my house phone, cell phone, iPad, tv remote, laptop, pens, paper, tissues, a book, half-read magazines, folder accumulating recipes to try, pillows, and a blanket or two. (OH, and I also have a hidden stash of chocolate sitting here!)

If you come to our house, the kitchen sink may be piled full of dishes. The glass on the table may or may not be wiped off from previous meal's scraps. The counter-tops and floors may have crumbs covering them.

If you come to our house, you are welcome. And although I may joke about the accumulating messes, I know that this is temporary. Truly, Matt keeps the house cleaner than most husbands even attempt. Lily is constantly trying to make me feel better with crafts, cards, babies, and stuffed animals. And so, I must accept them graciously, even though it means more stuff around my ever-growing self.

If you come to our house, it may be messy, but I am content. I am content in my mess because I still have a baby in my huge-r(that's what Lily calls it-HUGE-R) belly. And, I am content because God's provided us with so many people that come to our house to help and chat. And if there are people because they care, I am touched.

I know not everyone has time to call or come (and I don't expect them to), bring a meal or visit. But there have been an overwhelming amount of people that God has nudged to come. We are grateful for the ways that God's provision is keeping this little one safe and our family well-cared for.