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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Baby Land

Getting ready for a new baby is a big undertaking (especially when relying on everyone else to do most of the work)! It has been unusually big for us this time and there are several reasons for it. Lily moved rooms, we are going from a girl to a boy, there will have been 5 years between Lily and this baby (all of the baby stuff has been stored in the basement and needs cleaned, organized, etc). We received baby clothes from my sister-in-law, so we have been going through those. And then there is the fact that I am on bedrest and must not "shop" for diapers, accessories, decorations, etc via the store. I do it all online. And actually, most of the time that's easier.....I search, click, and it is delivered. However, we have so much STUFF going out, so much STUFF moving rooms, so much STUFF arriving, so much STUFF to wash and find a new place for. It is somewhat ridiculous and almost makes me feel gluttonous.

Because the STUFF is getting to me (and my closets are filthy), Bea and I continue to clean out/purge closets. She is the best! I lie on the bed. She empties out closets and puts them on the bed. I make piles of give away, sell, throw away. She redistributes them to the appropriate area. It has been MARVELOUS! She mentioned the other day that once the baby gets here I will feel so good about taking the time I need with him because our house is organized and at least that will not be hanging over my head. I think she is right!!! Drawer by drawer; closet by closet we are creating a serene environment for us to live in after baby is born!

Had my weekly checkup. Baby looks BIG! His face took up the whole screen (it used to be that you could see his whole body on the screen) and is becoming vivid. It makes me excited to meet this little man. My hopes continue to grow. It will be a huge celebration when we welcome this baby into our family. It is still somewhat surreal. I think I will be on bedrest for a few more weeks. Am feeling a little bit freer to get up a bit. (Freer meaning I feel more confident to answer the door, help in the kitchen, drive myself to the doctor, make simple foods) I know I still need to be careful though. I am not YET going out to eat, attending church, taking Lily to school, doing laundry, emptying the dishwasher, etc. Today starts week 31. My doctor put it something like this--we are moving from talking about the odds of survival to talking about the amount of time he would have to stay in the NICU. Meaning, soon we will not be talking about whether or not he will live or what his odds of disabilities are, but we will soon be talking about how long he may have to stay at the hospital.............That in and of itself will be a wonderful change of topic. Every week dr. and I discuss odds, precautions, pains, options, etc. Again, it is surreal that soon we will not have to think about those horrible odds any more.

Continuing to stay positive. Continuing to praise the LORD for his mercy. Continuing to ask HIM for a healthy baby!

PS I am making up for the not gaining much weight comment I made. I gained around 6 pounds in 12 days.....YIKES! Time to stop eating chocolate cake!