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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Never mind my manners........

You know you are really, really pregnant when you ignore your natural inhibitions and eat straight out of the fridge. YES, today I found myself opening the fridge, getting a container out, putting it on the island, using a fork (it was the least I could do), eating right out of the container. The fridge door was still open. And things taste better. I couldn't stop eating the food because it tasted so good and I am pretty much a bottomless pit. HAHA. I could not stop myself. I kept eating and eating. I would think, "one more bite" "oh, one more." The funny thing is is that a person brought the food and it was supposed to be part of our dinner. I finally exercised self-control and put it away. But, I am still thinking about it. And I am still hungry. Not a good combination......Hopefully Matt gets home soon! If not, we may be ordering dinner:) HAHA!