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Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Updates on the renovation

First stairwell picture is the original. Second is the design that now lines the upstairs balcony (instead of the old spindles). The third picture is of our bare staircase. The new stairs will be going in soon. Fourth picture is another of the new railing system.

First picture is original bookcase. Second picture is the bookcase getting re-trimmed. The doors were also taken off and sanded. It will all be painted soon.

The picture above is of the family area. The window has been trimmed out. The railing in between the kitchen and the family area has been removed (hallelujah!) and fireplace mantle rebuilt. You can see the before picture in my previous post.

This used to be our bathroom closet. The below picture is our current build-in. It will have drawers added to the bottom.

And last but not least. The shower. Love my new shower. Before--fiberglass shower. After, we extended the wall and made it bigger. Added tile and voila!