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Saturday, September 4, 2010

Reviving my heart

Just got back from the farmer's market.....Feeling so revived. I LOVE GOING to the Southside Market. It makes me feel like I am in a different city/country. Many of the vendors, though, I have come to know and enjoy chatting with them and getting to know produce and them. I came home with homegrown carrots, flowers, pears (my fav variety too), leeks for my soup, red peppers, red onions, and strawberries. I am so glad I took the time to go this morning.

Matt and Lily went to pick up some tomatoes. We are canning one bushel today. Think I may add some of those jalapeno peppers I didn't know what to do with!

Picture is of Lily running through the sprinkler for the first time. She was LOVING it! She came in shivering even though it was 90 degrees out!