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Sunday, February 6, 2011


I am so "behind" on my blog that I don't even know where to start....January was a rough month emotionally, but IT IS OVER. And, I am feeling much better now that it is over. I am feeling much more like myself; more than I have in a long time. I know this is partially due to the year being over and partially due to my health improving. I still have my moments, but I am definitely on the uphill slope of life, I think.

Lily is SO MUCH FUN right now. I wish I could remember all the funny things she has done or said in the past few days/weeks. She is hysterical. A couple of stories that I would love to share for my own sake so I don't forget them.

1. She didn't want to eat her broccoli one night. So, Matt told her to plug her nose like Pinkalicious does. She didn't really get the concept, but she put a couple of her fingers on her nose and pretended to plug her nose. The next morning, I was doing her hair. She is daily a grouch while I am doing her hair. I look down and she is "plugging" her nose. I knew what she was doing, but asked her anyway. She said, "I pushing my nose so my hair doesn't hurt." Inventive!

2. In her book, "Fancy Nancy," Nancy is carrying a tray of parfaits and trips and the tray of parfaits does a "double flip." All of the ice cream ends up all over her and the floor. Well, one morning, we were eating breakfast. Lily was having cereal. She somehow does the splits on her chair. In trying to catch herself, she smashes her hand on her cereal bowl. The milk and cereal go all over the table and her legs end up behind her, stuck. I race over to her and pull her up, she says, "My ceweal did a double-fip." I started laughing and she, said, "Yeah, my ceweal did a double-fip, just like Fancy Nancy does!" I could not believe how quickly she put that story in an application of her experience....

Today Matt and Lily made a snowman. I attached a picture because she is beside herself with excitement about the snowman. I hope it doesn't melt in the next few days. Hopefully it will stay put for awhile, so she can enjoy it. I made them hot chocolate after they were finished. I posted the recipe, if anyone wants it. DELICIOUS!

Matt is watching superbowl, so I am catching up on magazines and emails. I had 670 emails in my inbox that I needed to clean up. Many of them are about Daisy or from last January and February. I am grateful to have all email-support, and cannot make myself delete those emails quite yet. I ended up making a folder for them, but need to get rid of the rest of the emails that I just have never deleted. I just haven't had the gumption to do much this last year....But I am getting some pep in my step back!