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Thursday, June 3, 2010

Still tired today. Definitely have more motivation than yesterday afternoon, but tired.

Lily got her haircut today; then we took a walk around the block.

Candace finds out what she's having this afternoon. I am so excited to know! We are going to go register with her in the next week or so. Then, it is time to start planning showers!

This weekend is crazy. Zach is graduating, so we have lots planned with the Morris Family. Jon will be home from Alabama, so it will be good to see him.

Candace's birthday is also this weekend--Happy birthday, Candace!

We took Lily strawberry picking this week and there is a picture of her riding on the cart with the strawberries. She had so much fun eating them while we were picking them. She was covered in red strawberry juice!

Another friend of ours lost his job last week. I am praying for them as it was just an unfortunate series of events that has left him devastated and frustrated. However, his wife and I had a discussion about how this suffering has the potential for some godly growing. Praying that he will see that and take steps towards the LORD in this time. A good reminder to me that others are suffering in various ways and "in all things God works for the good of those who love him." (RM 8:28)