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Thursday, November 4, 2010

I love having a houseguest for a couple of days. It is fun to break up the mundane activities of life with a break in routine. My Aunt Dusti was here visiting and was supposed to stay with my grandma. However, Grandma has a really bad cold and so Dusti ended up staying with us for a couple of nights. It is nice to have someone else (another adult female) around; someone else to bounce things off of; someone to cook for; someone to stay up late and chat with. Now, she's gone.....And not sure when her next trip back will be. I would love to visit her in Belgium again. Not sure if I will get that opportunity or not. BUT, if I had my druthers, I would be planning my next trip.

After having the excitement of a houseguest, I am now finding myself a little lonely and wandering around the house without much purpose.