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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Lake Living

Lake living is great. Other than the bugs we had the first few days, life has been good! We have had a few friends up, have gotten to swim most days, eaten good food, walked around the lake often, and just hung low too. Lily is loving being at Lake Gage. She is my LAKER and I am so excited to have her be my buddy.

We are home today to run a few errands and get mail/pay bills, then back as soon as Lily is up from her nap. It does feel good to be home for a few minutes. A month is a long time to be gone and yet it goes so fast! I have a HUGE pile of magazines/catalogs to work my way through while I am up there and haven't even started. Somehow the days and nights pass me by and I just haven't gotten around to it. I am currently reading The Help and it is AMAZING! LOVE IT! I am having a hard time putting it down. Lily is great about playing while I read, though.

Off to do a few more things around the house before my princess awakens.