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Friday, March 15, 2013

Doctor's update

Quick update for now. Doctor's appointment was today. Everything is still looking great, all things considered. Bedrest is still necessary....

Nameless Baby Boy is measuring 3lbs; 8 oz. He is still measuring a little big every week. I think it will still be a May baby. Mid May. Hopefully not Lily's birthday. She's already been having a fit about not wanting us to be at the hospital on her birthday. Worse things can happen, but to her it is a huge deal!

Third trimester symptoms have kicked in. Unable to get comfortable, lots of back pain, etc. However, I am really not complaining because this baby is still safe inside!

I have not gained much weight. Therefore, this baby doesn't have much room to move around. Between this week and last I gained 2 1/2 pounds though.....Maybe 3rd trimester will fatten me up. I am more hungry, so that is likely.

I cannot seem to "keep up" even on bedrest. Somehow my days fly by!

Lily's new closet got installed this week. It looks fabulous! Will have to post some pictures after her room is complete.

Lily has been asking very detailed questions about babies, nursing, etc. She knows much more than I did when I was pregnant for her! Filtering some of it is challenging. She keeps asking more and more questions even if Matt and I think we've covered it. She loves to know how things work.........