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Wednesday, June 5, 2013

It has been a real "TRIPP"

We hoped. We dreamed. We prayed. We received!!!

We are in AWE. I am feeling a sense of reverence for this life that God has allowed us to be a part of. There are hardly words for this deep sense of solemnity and amazement! I think in my mind, I was still cautious to whether he would really live and be a healthy newborn baby. I still wondered if we would end up in the NICU for some reason. So, to see him in healthy reality is completely breath-taking for me! I find myself just staring at Tripp David. Thank you Jesus for a healthy child.

Late Memorial Day Monday, I started having contractions. After three long nights and days of contractions coming and going, we finally got admitted to the hospital Thursday morning around 6am. At 12 noon Thursday, we had this precious little man in our arms. Delivery was fairly uneventful, just as we had hoped. My doctor was there to deliver (just barely) and I was able to deliver quickly once he was there. We prayed for a full-term baby. I love God's sense of humor. Tripp was born right at noon; on his due date. FUNNY; not a coincidence!

Tripp David's name is derived from being the third David in Matt's family. (Triple=Tripp=The Third)

Matt's Dad is David Edsel

Matt is David Matthew

And now we have Tripp David

He loves his hands. He is a good eater. Lily ADORES him.

Join us in Praising God for our little guy. Many prayers are answered. Much relief is felt. And now the journey begins......