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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Starting to think about baby's room. I ordered some bedding in January and it is (finally) arriving. Considering ordering the rug and a couple other items. It is a delicate decision. I held off ordering Daisy's bedding since we didn't know how it would all turn out. And I am glad I did hold off......This time, there is a piece of me that wants to go ahead and order the rug and other pieces. And Matt would like to start painting.....Lily's current bedroom will be the baby's room. And if you've seen Lily's room, you know it is PINK. PINK, PINK, PINK!!!! Even a pink ceiling:) SO, we do need to start working on it. Lily's new room needs a paint job too. If my husband wasn't such a good painter, I would say we should hire it done....And maybe we should still consider it. But the point I am getting at is that I am hesitant to go ahead with it. I still feel very at peace with this bedrest situation I am in. I feel as though this baby is redemptive. SO, maybe in faith, I should order the rest of his room and ask Matt to start picking up paint colors.......

Amazon is my new friend. I am so grateful that we have "PRIME" so we have free shipping on most items. They ship and arrive within 48 hours. Needless to say, we receive something about every day. If I need soap, gifts, books, dry good foods, etc, I have been ordering it online. It has been a wonderful option for us.

Hebrews 9:27 has been on my heart. Thanks to my friend who relocated it again for me..... 27 Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

I am finding that there are many truths in Hebrews that explained. I keep returning to Hebrews and am wondering if I should just start at Hebrews 1 and read the whole book.

I am sleeping better. Thank you, LORD! I don't sleep as many hours, but the sleep I am getting is fairly restful.

Contractions are still prevalent. If I am up more than a few times, they start in. Hard to gauge how much is too much. Ultraounds so far are staying in the 'safe-range' (after it bounced back from that original scare). However, as I am realizing, I will probably be on bedrest until I am okayed to deliver this baby. The risk is too great otherwise. Things can change too quickly (and I have history of preterm) and since I am having labor-starting contractions, I am down.

Lily's funny vocab: Disney is still Bisney; cages she calls caves; undergarments for girls are boobie-holders; suggested is subbgested.

She reminds me on a consistent basis that I am getting "bigger." I am attempting not to overeat/watch my calorie intake. I do not want to gain too much this time! With inactivity, it is a tad more of a challenge. Trying to eat lots of fruits, veggies, proteins. Trying not to eat too much sugar or carbs.

With Valentine's Day approaching, we are doing our best to make Lily's day special. Going to surprise her with a new Valentine books and Mom and Matt are helping me pull off a few other surprises, along with a couple of their own. She is SOOOO into holidays. She makes Valentine cards for everyone that walks in the door and loves buying gifts for people. Her love language is looking like it is giving/gifting.

Lily LOVES homemade pancakes from scratch, gymnastics, school, crafts, painting, being read to, strawberries, chocolate, baking, cooking, dates with her daddy, games, babies, doll babies, her stuffed animals, and she got introduced to Oreos today. Of course, she loves those too. My little girl loves life. I love that she loves it. As long as she is DOING, she is happy. She even enjoys 'chores.'