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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Back home and the adjustment is not preferable. We were not ready to leave the lake! I could have stayed a few more weeks. Other than lack of having internet, I really did not miss being home. And during the last week, I even discovered that the Marina has WIFI! Some friends came to visit and there are always lake friends that are already there. Several of our family-friends have cottages near us. Lily and I were able to see them quite a bit. One of them became a morning walking partner. It is a different world, being at the lake. Lily even said as we were leaving, "No, I stay." HAHA.

It feels good being home in the sense of organization.....I have been working my tushy off getting organized and I still have a long way to go. Food, laundry, clothes, toys, mail....UGH.

Matt and I celebrated out 9th wedding anniversary while we were there. We had Lily with us so it was not THAT exciting, but Matt took the day off and we were able to spend it together.

Trying to decide whether to take Daisy's pictures off my fridge or leave them. They are everywhere and I am feeling a little overwhelmed about having them everywhere. Not sure if it is healthy.