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Monday, February 25, 2013

Important Bedtime Matters

I debated on whether or not to create a chore chart for Lily. I finally decided with all the extra things that I have been asking her to do, it may be a good idea. Plus, she has been saving her money towards an Easy Bake Oven (help!) so she may have some motivation in helping around the house.........It has been mildly successful. Some days she is all about getting her chores accomplished and other days she is not interested. I share this because I am posting a picture of the chore chart she made me. Notice I got a star on every single item. From left to right: A picture of a toilet, a plate of dinner, drinking water, and lastly the sofa with a pillow on the right side. Yes, those four activities about sum up what I do every day on bedrest!!! HAHAHA!

The second Lily story that I have to document is one from the other night. After we put her to bed, she has suddenly gotten into the habit of coming downstairs to ask us questions, ask for help with something, tell us she loves us. Just about every excuse in the book she has come up with already. So, one night, Matt told her that she needed to stay in bed unless she needed something REALLY IMPORTANT. A few minutes later, she came bounding down the steps. She said, "Daddy, I am not sure what is important and what isn't. I have something that I think is important, but I am not sure. But I really want to show you this because I think it is important." Matt graciously asked her what it was. She ran upstairs, got her American Girl catalog, and came back downstairs. She said, "I want to add this to my birthday list. It is a baby ther-monitor so that I can hear my babies when they wake up in the middle of the night." (it was a baby monitor not thermometer) Matt said it was definitely important and that we would add it to her birthday list...............And what could we say, it was important to her!!!!

The next night, she came down in a tizzy. She was breathing hard and about ready to cry. She said, "Daddy, I lost a piece to my stethoscope (she has a real one) and if I don't have it I can't do the check-ups on my babies. They are sick! I need help finding the piece to the stethoscope! IT IS IMPORTANT!!!!"

Oh, my girl is full of drama......

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Starting to think about baby's room. I ordered some bedding in January and it is (finally) arriving. Considering ordering the rug and a couple other items. It is a delicate decision. I held off ordering Daisy's bedding since we didn't know how it would all turn out. And I am glad I did hold off......This time, there is a piece of me that wants to go ahead and order the rug and other pieces. And Matt would like to start painting.....Lily's current bedroom will be the baby's room. And if you've seen Lily's room, you know it is PINK. PINK, PINK, PINK!!!! Even a pink ceiling:) SO, we do need to start working on it. Lily's new room needs a paint job too. If my husband wasn't such a good painter, I would say we should hire it done....And maybe we should still consider it. But the point I am getting at is that I am hesitant to go ahead with it. I still feel very at peace with this bedrest situation I am in. I feel as though this baby is redemptive. SO, maybe in faith, I should order the rest of his room and ask Matt to start picking up paint colors.......

Amazon is my new friend. I am so grateful that we have "PRIME" so we have free shipping on most items. They ship and arrive within 48 hours. Needless to say, we receive something about every day. If I need soap, gifts, books, dry good foods, etc, I have been ordering it online. It has been a wonderful option for us.

Hebrews 9:27 has been on my heart. Thanks to my friend who relocated it again for me..... 27 Just as people are destined to die once, and after that to face judgment, 28 so Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many; and he will appear a second time, not to bear sin, but to bring salvation to those who are waiting for him.

I am finding that there are many truths in Hebrews that explained. I keep returning to Hebrews and am wondering if I should just start at Hebrews 1 and read the whole book.

I am sleeping better. Thank you, LORD! I don't sleep as many hours, but the sleep I am getting is fairly restful.

Contractions are still prevalent. If I am up more than a few times, they start in. Hard to gauge how much is too much. Ultraounds so far are staying in the 'safe-range' (after it bounced back from that original scare). However, as I am realizing, I will probably be on bedrest until I am okayed to deliver this baby. The risk is too great otherwise. Things can change too quickly (and I have history of preterm) and since I am having labor-starting contractions, I am down.

Lily's funny vocab: Disney is still Bisney; cages she calls caves; undergarments for girls are boobie-holders; suggested is subbgested.

She reminds me on a consistent basis that I am getting "bigger." I am attempting not to overeat/watch my calorie intake. I do not want to gain too much this time! With inactivity, it is a tad more of a challenge. Trying to eat lots of fruits, veggies, proteins. Trying not to eat too much sugar or carbs.

With Valentine's Day approaching, we are doing our best to make Lily's day special. Going to surprise her with a new Valentine books and Mom and Matt are helping me pull off a few other surprises, along with a couple of their own. She is SOOOO into holidays. She makes Valentine cards for everyone that walks in the door and loves buying gifts for people. Her love language is looking like it is giving/gifting.

Lily LOVES homemade pancakes from scratch, gymnastics, school, crafts, painting, being read to, strawberries, chocolate, baking, cooking, dates with her daddy, games, babies, doll babies, her stuffed animals, and she got introduced to Oreos today. Of course, she loves those too. My little girl loves life. I love that she loves it. As long as she is DOING, she is happy. She even enjoys 'chores.'

Monday, February 11, 2013

24 weeks; almost 25

Our church body has encompassed us with love, prayer, concern, and meals (meaning both the church that we attend and the whole church too). In the sense of the church body that attend, Matt said every time he walked a few steps at church yesterday someone was asking how I was doing; how we were all holding up. We are so grateful for the place that we have become a part of. It is mostly people our age. And with our age group comes LOTS of little kids. Lily LOVES attending Sunday morning and has made wonderful friends that she adores. We dropped in for a visit a couple of years ago to this little body of believers and never left. We felt immediately at home. It almost has the feel of my great grandma's church in the middle of the country. And it is only 2 minutes from our house, which is an added bonus since we feel strongly about attending a church that is near us in proximity. My heart sings that God placed us in such a special place.

As far as the pregnancy, things are "status quo." As long as I stay down, I do not have contractions. If I move around too much, I start to feel it. I am taking one day at a time. Medications are making me a little crazy. Side effects are really no fun. However, I am okay with the side effects that I have to endure. It could be worse...........

Daisy was born at 23 weeks; 6 days. I am grateful to be past that point. Every day is a mini sigh of relief. Every day is a gift from our Father. Thursday I will be 25 weeks and I am so looking forward to that number! 25 will mean we have surpassed such a mental hurdle.

Baby is healthy and strong. He moves around more than Lily or Daisy did. He is a happy baby:) Looking forward to meeting him...In May. Hopefully not much sooner. But I feel as though God has given me a peace. A strong sense that this baby will be born full term. So, I continue to trust that God's plan is that.

Still working on names for this little man. We have dwindled our list down to 12 or so, which is still so many!!! Just not sure. Waiting for the Lord to work and for a name to really stick out to both of us. Lily's middle name changed during the last few days of my pregnancy due to God's provision. A few things happened and Matt and I landed on a middle name for her. I think we will just continue to wait.

Last Thursday night I had a mini breakdown (a pity party). I hadn't been anywhere in approximately 2 weeks and was just so overwhelmed with a need to get out. Since everything was calm on Saturday, we made a big trip (I was nervous to go) to Auburn.I put my seat back all the way. We visited my grandma whom recently got diagnosed with an incurable cancer. I had a desire to see her and talk to her. I want to talk to her as much as I can when she is still able to, and not succumbed by medication or pain. It was a good visit. I was really tired afterward, but refreshed due to new surroundings.

And the biggest surprise came on Sunday. Aunt Dusti showed up on my doorstep. She was supposed to be skiing with her family in Europe! Mom and I had a little suspicion that something was going on due to a call we had received confirming appointment, etc. But it was still was a nice surprise having our suspicions become reality. She spent the afternoon with our family before surprising Mom and Grandma later last night. I am hoping that sometime this week, Grandma, Mom, Dusti, Lily and I can all convene. I am not sure what that will look like since Grandma is housebound in Auburn and I am housebound in Fort Wayne, but I am working on it in my mind.....Hoping to propose something!

Praying that Lily, Matt and I avoid the flu. I have this bizarre fear of it.

Praying that I use my time wisely on bedrest. You would think you'd be bored out of your mind while lying around all day. Somehow, the days usually go fast. Between emailing, calls, people in and out picking Lily up for school, dropping off meals, resting, keeping lists organized, Lily entertaining me with crafts and stories, a little tv, packaging recipe cards, reading my book, working on BSF questions, making Lily and I breakfast and lunch, paying bills, and coordinating it all, I stay somewhat busy.

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 has been put in my life 2 times this last week. It is about relaying God's works in our lives and also his commands to our children as we do our every day tasks.

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Life is an upside down cake

Sweet, moist, comforting, delicious, precious cake; and then it is turned upside down. It is still a scrumptious cake, but it looks a tad bit different. And when it is upside down, you never really know what you are going to be getting when you take a bite. Why the crazy analogy? I have this sweet, innocent little man growing inside of me and my body doesn't pregnancy for some reason. My pregnancy with Lily was easy going. I was exhausted every day, but other than that, it was good.

The last couple pregnancies have been difficult. This one that we are in currently has been status quo and we were all getting so excited. In fact, my doctor had just cleared me for take-off. Literally. We were headed to Florida for a whole week.....

Last week, I started contracting and after a couple of days of monitoring, the results were not good. Our OB put me on strict bedrest for the weekend. After a few days of medication and being horizontal, the contractions calmed. I was praying for a miracle. Something I didn't think could happen: that my cervix would bounce back. And guess did. Praise God! A little bit at least. Truly a miracle at this point in the pregnancy! However, I am still on bedrest. The doctor did lift the restrictions a tiny bit. I can now take a shower, help Lily with a quick breakfast and lunch. I am still housebound for the time being. We are waiting it out to see if they return as I complete the small tasks of life that I have been okayed to do as long as I am not having contractions, that is.

We are praying fervently that God will still allow us a healthy baby boy. One that will live a full life on earth. One that is healthy functioning child.

Friends are pitching in. Thank you LORD for your people! Friends, family, housekeeper, and my wonderful husband are all going above and beyond. They are radiating God's glory by sacrificing time and effort. I am blown away at such a wonderful support system that God has graciously provided once again. God knows what he is doing and we are hanging on for the ride.

Yesterday I just happened to open my Bible (in all my spare time) up to Hebrews 12. It says,

4 In your struggle against sin, you have not yet resisted to the point of shedding your blood. 5 And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, 6 because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.”[a] 7 Endure hardship as discipline; God is treating you as his children. For what children are not disciplined by their father? 8 If you are not disciplined—and everyone undergoes discipline—then you are not legitimate, not true sons and daughters at all. 9 Moreover, we have all had human fathers who disciplined us and we respected them for it. How much more should we submit to the Father of spirits and live! 10 They disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, in order that we may share in his holiness. 11 No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. 12 Therefore, strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees. 13 “Make level paths for your feet,”[b] so that the lame may not be disabled, but rather healed.

What a good reminder. God is continuing to discipline me:) and if we are faithful through that, there is a chance that we will produce a harvest of righteousness and peace.

If you are reading this and feel prompted, here are some prayer requests: Our overall health/avoidance of flu and cold bugs--Matt, Lily, Me and Baby Our marriage to be strengthened Baby boy's well-being Contractions to cease Sleep--seems like I should have plenty of it, but I can't seem to My grandma's spiritual welfare and dealing with her recent medical news