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Monday, February 25, 2013

Important Bedtime Matters

I debated on whether or not to create a chore chart for Lily. I finally decided with all the extra things that I have been asking her to do, it may be a good idea. Plus, she has been saving her money towards an Easy Bake Oven (help!) so she may have some motivation in helping around the house.........It has been mildly successful. Some days she is all about getting her chores accomplished and other days she is not interested. I share this because I am posting a picture of the chore chart she made me. Notice I got a star on every single item. From left to right: A picture of a toilet, a plate of dinner, drinking water, and lastly the sofa with a pillow on the right side. Yes, those four activities about sum up what I do every day on bedrest!!! HAHAHA!

The second Lily story that I have to document is one from the other night. After we put her to bed, she has suddenly gotten into the habit of coming downstairs to ask us questions, ask for help with something, tell us she loves us. Just about every excuse in the book she has come up with already. So, one night, Matt told her that she needed to stay in bed unless she needed something REALLY IMPORTANT. A few minutes later, she came bounding down the steps. She said, "Daddy, I am not sure what is important and what isn't. I have something that I think is important, but I am not sure. But I really want to show you this because I think it is important." Matt graciously asked her what it was. She ran upstairs, got her American Girl catalog, and came back downstairs. She said, "I want to add this to my birthday list. It is a baby ther-monitor so that I can hear my babies when they wake up in the middle of the night." (it was a baby monitor not thermometer) Matt said it was definitely important and that we would add it to her birthday list...............And what could we say, it was important to her!!!!

The next night, she came down in a tizzy. She was breathing hard and about ready to cry. She said, "Daddy, I lost a piece to my stethoscope (she has a real one) and if I don't have it I can't do the check-ups on my babies. They are sick! I need help finding the piece to the stethoscope! IT IS IMPORTANT!!!!"

Oh, my girl is full of drama......

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