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Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Searching for coins.......YUCK

We had a first today. Lily swallowed a coin. I feel like a negligent mother, yet I had no idea she had a coin with her in bed this morning. She was upset this morning and I went in to check on her. Of course, I am still half-asleep. I staggered into her room and she told me she had a coin in her froat(throat).I asked her where she had gotten it. She told me from the floor. Then she told me her bed put it into her mouf (mouth). She kept pointing to her throat area and telling me it was still in there. The doctor's office was not open yet. She thought she may throw it out (throw up) but ended up not happening. I finally fed her toast and water and hoped it would dislodge.....When the doctor's office opened, I called. They said to give her bread and water. (Mother's intuition is good sometimes.....I was totally on track somehow!) FInally she told me that it wasn't in her froat anymore and had gone to her tomach. Anyway, now we are watching her excrements for the next WEEK to see if we can find that coin. She told me it was a penny, but I am not sure 100% that she knows for sure.

I made cookies for euchre (card club is at our house tomorrow night). I asked Lily if she wanted one. She said, "I think my coin would like that." Oh brother.....

Then, she was just on the phone with Matt and she told him that she was sick with a coin (instead of cold!) How kids come up with these things is beyond me, but it was so funny.

I hope all the "attention" that she is getting due to this coin is not going to be positive in her mind. I keep telling her that we don't put coins in our mouth.

Picture is of Lily opening her Easter basket Easter morning.