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Saturday, April 23, 2011

Lily loved coloring Easter eggs this afternoon. Sparkles were one of her favorite decorations for the eggs. She used all of the sparkle packet on the first three eggs. The picture of the two eggs are the ones that are very sparkly. I am looking forward to an egg hunt tomorrow. Last year's hunt was fun, but I am assuming this year's is going to be eggstrodinary (pun and misspelling intended).

Been making a yummy gluten free dairy free chocolate cake. Will try to post the recipe soon. Made one for tomorrow. Easter is at our house with the Morris Fam. Matt and I spent most of the day prepping.

Been another busy week. Lily started swimming lessons and has LOVED it.

Aunt Dusti was here from Belgium too. Enjoyed catching up with her. Since it was Good Friday, Matt had work off. Dusti and I got to run errands, shop, and eat together the two of us.