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Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Mac and Cheese

One of my indulgences is GRUYERE cheese. I love it. I cannot get enough of the Gruyere cheese. Seriously, I can just eat it. YUM. My favorite is Martha Stewart's mac and cheese made with Gruyere cheese. It is pricey, but a great recipe for the holidays.
I have copied and pasted it from Martha's website. It is under my favorite recipes tab on the left of my blog.

Henry is out of the NICU. Grandma is home from the hospital. Things are starting to look up. I am still very fidgety and cannot concentrate from the hype of last week. I am not sure if it is fear or nervous energy or what. I am not liking it, but the alternative is to take a sedative:) SO, I am trying to work through it. Thinking about going to yoga class tonight to help calm myself. I am not sure if that will work or not!

Think I am making leftovers for dinner. We made corn chowder from scratch on Saturday evening and it is sounding good for dinner. Maybe with a big salad. Maybe I will try a new recipe for dressing that I received from a friend in the mail today:)