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Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. UGH. I cleaned my house today from top to bottom (except the toilets--that's Matt's job). Every time I do it, it makes me want to go back to work so that I can afford to have someone clean my house for me. Isn't that such a snobbish thing to say??? However, it is the truth. I love having a clean house, but HATE cleaning it. It does look good though, if I can say so myself. So, if anyone wants to come to dinner or stop by for dessert, tonight is the night! I have a clean house, dinner is on the stove, and I always have dessert stashed somewhere.

Ally is coming down tonight to take a few photos of Lily in her sister outfit. Mom got Lily and Daisy sister outfits (semi-matching) for Christmas last year, before I actually had Daisy. Daisy was buried in hers, but wanted to get Lily in a pic wearing her big sister outfit before she grows out of it. I have had a hard time replacing Lily's baby pictures above her crib because I just keep thinking that I should have been putting Daisy's baby pictures in them instead since she would have been sleeping in the crib. I am hoping that one of these pictures will work in the frame, so that I can replace Lily's baby pictures with some pics of Lily as a "big girl."