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Thursday, March 28, 2013

Baby Land

Getting ready for a new baby is a big undertaking (especially when relying on everyone else to do most of the work)! It has been unusually big for us this time and there are several reasons for it. Lily moved rooms, we are going from a girl to a boy, there will have been 5 years between Lily and this baby (all of the baby stuff has been stored in the basement and needs cleaned, organized, etc). We received baby clothes from my sister-in-law, so we have been going through those. And then there is the fact that I am on bedrest and must not "shop" for diapers, accessories, decorations, etc via the store. I do it all online. And actually, most of the time that's easier.....I search, click, and it is delivered. However, we have so much STUFF going out, so much STUFF moving rooms, so much STUFF arriving, so much STUFF to wash and find a new place for. It is somewhat ridiculous and almost makes me feel gluttonous.

Because the STUFF is getting to me (and my closets are filthy), Bea and I continue to clean out/purge closets. She is the best! I lie on the bed. She empties out closets and puts them on the bed. I make piles of give away, sell, throw away. She redistributes them to the appropriate area. It has been MARVELOUS! She mentioned the other day that once the baby gets here I will feel so good about taking the time I need with him because our house is organized and at least that will not be hanging over my head. I think she is right!!! Drawer by drawer; closet by closet we are creating a serene environment for us to live in after baby is born!

Had my weekly checkup. Baby looks BIG! His face took up the whole screen (it used to be that you could see his whole body on the screen) and is becoming vivid. It makes me excited to meet this little man. My hopes continue to grow. It will be a huge celebration when we welcome this baby into our family. It is still somewhat surreal. I think I will be on bedrest for a few more weeks. Am feeling a little bit freer to get up a bit. (Freer meaning I feel more confident to answer the door, help in the kitchen, drive myself to the doctor, make simple foods) I know I still need to be careful though. I am not YET going out to eat, attending church, taking Lily to school, doing laundry, emptying the dishwasher, etc. Today starts week 31. My doctor put it something like this--we are moving from talking about the odds of survival to talking about the amount of time he would have to stay in the NICU. Meaning, soon we will not be talking about whether or not he will live or what his odds of disabilities are, but we will soon be talking about how long he may have to stay at the hospital.............That in and of itself will be a wonderful change of topic. Every week dr. and I discuss odds, precautions, pains, options, etc. Again, it is surreal that soon we will not have to think about those horrible odds any more.

Continuing to stay positive. Continuing to praise the LORD for his mercy. Continuing to ask HIM for a healthy baby!

PS I am making up for the not gaining much weight comment I made. I gained around 6 pounds in 12 days.....YIKES! Time to stop eating chocolate cake!

Friday, March 15, 2013

Doctor's update

Quick update for now. Doctor's appointment was today. Everything is still looking great, all things considered. Bedrest is still necessary....

Nameless Baby Boy is measuring 3lbs; 8 oz. He is still measuring a little big every week. I think it will still be a May baby. Mid May. Hopefully not Lily's birthday. She's already been having a fit about not wanting us to be at the hospital on her birthday. Worse things can happen, but to her it is a huge deal!

Third trimester symptoms have kicked in. Unable to get comfortable, lots of back pain, etc. However, I am really not complaining because this baby is still safe inside!

I have not gained much weight. Therefore, this baby doesn't have much room to move around. Between this week and last I gained 2 1/2 pounds though.....Maybe 3rd trimester will fatten me up. I am more hungry, so that is likely.

I cannot seem to "keep up" even on bedrest. Somehow my days fly by!

Lily's new closet got installed this week. It looks fabulous! Will have to post some pictures after her room is complete.

Lily has been asking very detailed questions about babies, nursing, etc. She knows much more than I did when I was pregnant for her! Filtering some of it is challenging. She keeps asking more and more questions even if Matt and I think we've covered it. She loves to know how things work.........

Monday, March 11, 2013

If you come to our house for any reason.....

I will probably be on my sheet-covered sofa in the front room. There will be piles of stuff all around me. If Lily is home, there will be at least one pair of scissors on the coffee table, along with tape and construction paper. She thinks it is crucial for me to have an animal or baby watching me, so there will more than likely be a baby sitting next to me on the sofa.

I will not have makeup on. My hair may or may not be done. And done I mean not standing up. Washing my hair at this point is a "big" deal. I will be in sweats. My belly will be hidden underneath a large sweatshirt/sweater that I probably am ashamed that I still own.

There is a trashcan now located next to the sofa so that I have a place for trash. Bea (and Matt) didn't like that trash was accumulating on the table and floor.

Next to me, I typically have my house phone, cell phone, iPad, tv remote, laptop, pens, paper, tissues, a book, half-read magazines, folder accumulating recipes to try, pillows, and a blanket or two. (OH, and I also have a hidden stash of chocolate sitting here!)

If you come to our house, the kitchen sink may be piled full of dishes. The glass on the table may or may not be wiped off from previous meal's scraps. The counter-tops and floors may have crumbs covering them.

If you come to our house, you are welcome. And although I may joke about the accumulating messes, I know that this is temporary. Truly, Matt keeps the house cleaner than most husbands even attempt. Lily is constantly trying to make me feel better with crafts, cards, babies, and stuffed animals. And so, I must accept them graciously, even though it means more stuff around my ever-growing self.

If you come to our house, it may be messy, but I am content. I am content in my mess because I still have a baby in my huge-r(that's what Lily calls it-HUGE-R) belly. And, I am content because God's provided us with so many people that come to our house to help and chat. And if there are people because they care, I am touched.

I know not everyone has time to call or come (and I don't expect them to), bring a meal or visit. But there have been an overwhelming amount of people that God has nudged to come. We are grateful for the ways that God's provision is keeping this little one safe and our family well-cared for.

Saturday, March 9, 2013

Friday, March 8, 2013

28 weeks; 1 day. Truly a great milestone.

I remember when I was pregnant with Daisy that my doctor told me once the baby is viable 24, 28, and 32 weeks were huge milestones. (37 being the ultimate goal) And every day in the womb is important. I am so excited to be at a second major milestone.

Every day I gain a tiny bit more hope. And I wish the fear dissipated a little more, but it doesn't. Since we have friends that had a stillborn baby, I don't believe that I will truly rejoice about having a baby until this baby is healthy and in my arms for the first time.

This week was a rough one. Bea, who normally cleans our house, and my Friday babysitter was sick. Both of them have many responsibilities that I count on around our house. Without Bea, my house is DIRTY! And she keeps things picked up moving, so I miss her dearly if she isn't here. And today's sitter was sick too. She has been going to the grocery, making food, caring for Lily, running errands.....WIthout them here this week, we have all been a little extra tense, feeling the weight of it all going on Matt and Mom's shoulders. Matt has been working endlessly (and will continue the whole weekend). Lily has been a little anxious--her tummy has been hurting every time her new routine gets changed. We all need to be flexible, as other people help. However, I am reminded how important routine is. It keeps the stress level to a minimum when emotions are already high (for kids and adults).

Not sure what it is due to, but I have been having breathing issues. Possibly anxiety, possibly hormones, possibly medication, possibly baby infringing on my lungs. Doctor isn't sure. Please pray for my breathing to regulate itself.

Lily got into Blackhawk Christian School's Kindergarten program. We visited in early December. We applied in January. And Thursday Matt had an interview with the administrator. And while he was doing that, Lily was tested to see if she was ready. She answered every question correctly--shapes, colors, numbers, comprehension, etc! The teacher gave her a Clifford book. I will attach a picture. SHE IS SO EXCITED TO GO! As she was leaving the school she told her teacher that she didn't want to leave! Love her desire to learn and her appreciation for education. She enjoys learning.

Monday, March 4, 2013


One question that many people ask is whether I have gotten bored yet. Although I truly do not enjoy lying around all day, I somehow do not get that bored. Sure, I have my moments of not knowing what to do next, but overall, I keep fairly 'busy.' By the time I read my Bible and fictional books, go through mail, look at the magazines I didn't have time to go through before, eat, get Lily ready for the day, take my shower, order things we need via the internet, talk on the phone (one of my biggest past-times), text, email, coordinate Lily's schedule, play with Lily, go to my weekly doctor's visit, visit with the people that are here helping in one form or another, it makes for a full day! Keeping the logistics straight is almost a full time job. I am typically exhausted and ready for bed when 10pm rolls around.

There has definitely been an adjustment period for Matt, Lily and me. Matt has much more on his shoulders. Lily has also been asked to complete more tasks around the house that she doesn't normally do. For instance, she puts the clean silverware away, folds washcloths, sets the table before dinner. She has been testing the new boundaries. Discipline has gotten a little bit more rigid since she is testing us. Matt and I are staying strong and on the same page. It seems to be helping.

Bea helped me clean out the playroom closet last week, which will soon become Lily's new bedroom. It feels so good to have that closet cleaned! A weight off my shoulders. Bea took everything out of the closet and put it onto our king sized bed. I sat on the corner of the bed and sorted, pitched, purged, made giveaway piles. It was a hodgepodge of stuff! Matt and his dad painted her new room on Saturday. It is a pale blue. Very pretty. It will compliment her new bedding very well. Her new closet will probably go in next week. Then, it will be getting her bed set up and all her clothes moved over to the new closet. AND THEN, we have to start on baby boy's room......Oh, I think of all the stuff that needs done and my head spins. I am 27 weeks and a few days (every day counts). I keep thinking, I only have 13 weeks to complete this (if that). 13 weeks seems like a long time, but when I can't do much of it and I am counting on Matt, family and friends, it is quite a bit to complete! I am trying to keep in mind that it doesn't need to be "perfect" or even "done" in order for a baby to come home. And truly, I do know that. However, sometimes I think the nesting instinct takes over and I desire things to be ready for this little man. We have been waiting for a baby's healthy/normal homecoming for years and it would be nice to have it all put together before that happens. God is in control...........

Been watching Blackhawk's Bible Hour on TV on Sundays. One thing Kelly Byrd challenged everyone with was to erase the words FATE, LUCK, and DESTINY from our vocab.

G'ma isn't doing well. I hardly can bear to know she is suffering. She has good days and bad days.

Still no set baby's name. Had a list. Widdled it down. And then we keep adding to it. Girl names are plentiful. But we are having a boy. Boys names are harder. So, this child is nameless still for now.

Funny Lily story: I had said a couple of times that the baby had kicked my bladder so I needed to go to the bathroom. The other day I was on my way to the bathroom. Lily asked, "Did the baby kick your filter again?" She's been saying it ever since!

Last, but not least, we have recently had to change our important bedtime matters to only allowing Lily to come down if it is an EMERGENCY! She seemed to always have important matters to discuss.........And there are still plenty of emergencies every night:)