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Saturday, May 15, 2010

Planting Seeds

We planted and planted and planted today. We planted our garden--zucchini, butternut squash, spaghetti squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, eggplant, jalapenos, broccoli, bell peppers, green beans, and three types of lettuce. Mostly organic, but some we couldn't find organic seeds/starts for.

Then, I planted my annual herbs (my perennial herbs are already up)--basil, parsley, and Matt talked me into cilantro.

We also planted some moss, ground cover, a black eyed susan vine, and one of my pots. I have two more pots of flowers to go, then we'll be done. (unless Matt decides to order the blueberry bushes.)

The thing I am most excited about--I planted daisies right outside my kitchen window. I am very excited and hope they have enough sun to flourish where planted.

All that to say, I am exhausted! Matt went to the hockey game tonight, so I had Lily. She was really good, as usual. She is still up in her bed reading to her baby and Elmo. I hear her singing to them too....She is hysterically funny. I cannot believe she will be turning TWO this week! I am trying to come up with some fun things that we can do to make her birthday week special. Next Saturday is her big party with the fam. Should be a fun week!