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Monday, February 11, 2013

24 weeks; almost 25

Our church body has encompassed us with love, prayer, concern, and meals (meaning both the church that we attend and the whole church too). In the sense of the church body that attend, Matt said every time he walked a few steps at church yesterday someone was asking how I was doing; how we were all holding up. We are so grateful for the place that we have become a part of. It is mostly people our age. And with our age group comes LOTS of little kids. Lily LOVES attending Sunday morning and has made wonderful friends that she adores. We dropped in for a visit a couple of years ago to this little body of believers and never left. We felt immediately at home. It almost has the feel of my great grandma's church in the middle of the country. And it is only 2 minutes from our house, which is an added bonus since we feel strongly about attending a church that is near us in proximity. My heart sings that God placed us in such a special place.

As far as the pregnancy, things are "status quo." As long as I stay down, I do not have contractions. If I move around too much, I start to feel it. I am taking one day at a time. Medications are making me a little crazy. Side effects are really no fun. However, I am okay with the side effects that I have to endure. It could be worse...........

Daisy was born at 23 weeks; 6 days. I am grateful to be past that point. Every day is a mini sigh of relief. Every day is a gift from our Father. Thursday I will be 25 weeks and I am so looking forward to that number! 25 will mean we have surpassed such a mental hurdle.

Baby is healthy and strong. He moves around more than Lily or Daisy did. He is a happy baby:) Looking forward to meeting him...In May. Hopefully not much sooner. But I feel as though God has given me a peace. A strong sense that this baby will be born full term. So, I continue to trust that God's plan is that.

Still working on names for this little man. We have dwindled our list down to 12 or so, which is still so many!!! Just not sure. Waiting for the Lord to work and for a name to really stick out to both of us. Lily's middle name changed during the last few days of my pregnancy due to God's provision. A few things happened and Matt and I landed on a middle name for her. I think we will just continue to wait.

Last Thursday night I had a mini breakdown (a pity party). I hadn't been anywhere in approximately 2 weeks and was just so overwhelmed with a need to get out. Since everything was calm on Saturday, we made a big trip (I was nervous to go) to Auburn.I put my seat back all the way. We visited my grandma whom recently got diagnosed with an incurable cancer. I had a desire to see her and talk to her. I want to talk to her as much as I can when she is still able to, and not succumbed by medication or pain. It was a good visit. I was really tired afterward, but refreshed due to new surroundings.

And the biggest surprise came on Sunday. Aunt Dusti showed up on my doorstep. She was supposed to be skiing with her family in Europe! Mom and I had a little suspicion that something was going on due to a call we had received confirming appointment, etc. But it was still was a nice surprise having our suspicions become reality. She spent the afternoon with our family before surprising Mom and Grandma later last night. I am hoping that sometime this week, Grandma, Mom, Dusti, Lily and I can all convene. I am not sure what that will look like since Grandma is housebound in Auburn and I am housebound in Fort Wayne, but I am working on it in my mind.....Hoping to propose something!

Praying that Lily, Matt and I avoid the flu. I have this bizarre fear of it.

Praying that I use my time wisely on bedrest. You would think you'd be bored out of your mind while lying around all day. Somehow, the days usually go fast. Between emailing, calls, people in and out picking Lily up for school, dropping off meals, resting, keeping lists organized, Lily entertaining me with crafts and stories, a little tv, packaging recipe cards, reading my book, working on BSF questions, making Lily and I breakfast and lunch, paying bills, and coordinating it all, I stay somewhat busy.

Deuteronomy 6:6-9 has been put in my life 2 times this last week. It is about relaying God's works in our lives and also his commands to our children as we do our every day tasks.

These commandments that I give you today are to be on your hearts. 7 Impress them on your children. Talk about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. 8 Tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. 9 Write them on the doorframes of your houses and on your gates

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