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Friday, May 13, 2011

New News - 8 weeks and counting.....

I had been going to zumba on a regular basis and my stomach and hips were getting flatter, finally. Now, my belly is a little swollen, especially after I eat.

On Mother's Day, I was riding in the car with my parents.

My mom said, "I am hungry."
My dad said, "Me too."
I said, "Me three and four."

I am pregnant. And we are excited. We are asking everyone to pray for the health of this baby. And for me. I am optimistic. I know that God is in control. His best for this child will be what it is.

The last week has been good. As I have seen people, I have been able to tell some of them the news.

Lily's vocab continues to get funnier and better. Thursday she said something, then she said, "Isn't that incredible?" I cracked up! But I cannot laugh too hard or she asks me why I am laughing and I don't want to hurt her feelings.

She also has been pretending to have binoculars. She puts her hands up to her eyes and looks out her binoculars and looks for whatever item she has on her minds.

Being the sweet dad that he is, Matt said to Lily the other night, "I am going to tell you four things that I love about you." He named the four. Lily then said, "I want five!" I guess everyone loves to hear good things about themselves....haha.

Every time we pray, Lily wants to pray for the baby in my belly. I hope she continues to be so ready to pray.

Lily will be THREE! this week. Crazy. Off to finish paying bills, then to rest. The last week or so has been a little rocky with pregnancy woozies.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, Addie! Congratulations! I will definitely be praying for this sweet baby and for peace knowing that God is in control.
