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Thursday, August 19, 2010


Had two requests for the laddie cookies in the past 24 hours, so I posted the Neiman Marcus/Laddie Cookie recipe on the recipe tab (to the right on the blog).

Another hot day--90 degrees is just too warm unless at a pool or the lake. When is the weather going to break? It is a yucky feeling to wish that it wasn't hot and summery all the time! I love summer, but am ready for a heat break.

Spent the whole day working on finding a recipe for canning jalapenos yesterday, just to semi-figure out that you HAVE TO pickle them. I guess there is some sensitivity with jalapenos and they are at higher risk of botulism....WEIRD. The odd thing is, you can purchase canned chiles in the grocery store that don't have vinegar in them. Shouldn't you be able to can them too??? I don't get it. Spent most of the day researching it because I have 22 jalapenos from my garden and I am unsure what to do with them all!!! My freezer already has several bags full, so I feel like I should be doing something else with the rest of the peppers.....But I am not in the mood to can salsa.......If anyone has any suggestions, I would love to hear them.

Off to work on Trifle....And figure out dinner.

One of the posted pictures is of the lake kitchen (where the windows are) and part of the family room (where the guy is working). The other picture is of Lily and I in the front lawn, by the bell, on the new lake lot.

1 comment:

  1. LOVE catching up on your blog, sweetie!
