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Friday, August 27, 2010

Days, weeks are flying by without me hardly noticing how fast they are going. Sometimes, I still have a flashback of not remembering what time of the year it is.....Today I was writing a check and couldn't recall what month it was. It is so bizarre.

Daisy's headstone was set this week. Matt, Lily and I went to visit her grave. One of the only thoughts that kept coming to my head was that we were all four together. I had a very hard time leaving because it was so nice for us all four to be in one place, physically at least. As we were preparing to leave, I could not hold my tears in any longer. Lily asked me if I was sad, gave me a hug and said, "It's okay." She becomes very sensitive if anyone is sad. It was sweet and definitely made me smile, then Lily said, "She all better."

Overall, it has been an emotional week. I had more doctor's appointments. The Daisy Walk/Run is coming up and I am EXCITED about it. However, it is also very emotional preparing and talking about it. If anyone wants to walk or run in the event, please let me know! Sign ups are available until September 8. Sponsorships are really needed also to support the preschool. I will be there volunteering and walking.

Matt's brother is bringing a girl home from Alabama this weekend. Must go get ready for meeting them for dinner!

Attached is a picture of Lily eating a Brown House ice cream cone while visiting Daisy.


  1. Gosh, Addie...That picture really describes what you're going through right now. So much saddness and grief, yet God has given you a little Ray of Sunshine to give you some encouragement and joy! You're such a great mom! I admire your faith and trust in God~ that even on the hard days, you choose to live for HIM!!! Lily and Daisy are blessed to have you as their mommy!

  2. I agree wtih what Emily said. :) XOXO
