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Wednesday, May 15, 2013

The Lord has HIS hand on my womb

There is a constant question of whether we are going to stay in our current house or if we are going to move. The question is one that comes and goes every few months. It has been an interesting transition of our thought process. Last fall we had our house sold and another one purchased. It fell through within hours of me finding out I was pregnant. I am grateful for God's provision in that. And we are content here. Mostly.

I am content here most of the time and make an attempt to be as such. (Of course, I don't prefer change, so this comes semi-easily most of the time.)

However, it is a constant teeter-totter of what projects we do and what we don't do. Usually every year we do a few minor projects. One year we put new concrete stoops in our front and back porches. One year we got new landscaping. Some years it is new furniture or redoing a room. There is usually a project on the horizon peculating. The question every time we consider a project is: Is it worth it? How many more years are we staying here? Will we get the money out when we decide to sell? (The answer is NO to most of the projects from here on out.) But then the question is, if we stay here X number of years, we reap the benefit of it for as long as we stay, even if we don't get it out when we sell.

The project that I have desired from day 1 is building a screened-in porch. However, it is such a big expenditure when we never know if we are staying or going.

The plan for now is to stay another year. We completed the baby's room and really would like for him to be in a good schedule/routine before we consider moving again.

This house is wonderful and we love it. We have invested time and energy into making it our home. There have been many fond memories, along with some hardships. And that's part of what makes a home--the experiences that we have in it.

38 weeks on Thursday!!!! Since being off bedrest, most days I typically have a mixed 'feeling.' I typically wake feeling groggy, not rested, and sore. Mid-morning through afternoon, I perk up and feel pretty good. And in the afternoon/evening, typically am sore from moving around that I moan and groan with every movement. If I rest during that time, I sometimes have another spurt of energy around 9-10pm.

I am making VERY SIMPLE meals, with Matt's help. Usually they are partially already made up or something from the freezer. I am grateful that my freezer was well-stocked. I have soups, frozen fruits and veggies, gluten-free bread, jams, meats, etc. I am carting Lily around a little in my vehicle. I can usually go somewhere during the day, as long as it doesn't require too much walking. (For instance, today I went to the eye doctor.)

Lily is an amazing help. She loves to prove that she is "big enough." Today, she had a couple of library books to return. I wasn't feeling well. She talked me into allowing her to go from the car to the return box. She said she could put the books into the book return by herself. I wasn't certain she could do it, but she did. I was proud of her, she was excited, and it was AMAZING to benefit from the freedom of allowing her to do it.

Matt is "nesting." He did the same thing with Lily. He nested and I didn't. He keeps asking me to make a list of everything I'd like done before the baby comes. And he wants it done! It is adorable. I love that about him.

Praying that this baby will come on May 22, 23, or 24. (The 25th is the full moon. Lily was a full moon baby.) It would be great if he came right before Memorial Day weekend. Matt could have the long weekend at home with us without having to take time off of work. And I would also love it if he arrived during the week, knowing that I would have higher odds of my doctor being around to deliver. At any rate, we are ready for his arrival.

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