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Friday, April 26, 2013

Makeup and below the surface (35 weeks!!!!!)

Got myself ready for my doctor's appointment today. I typically do my hair, put on a little makeup, put "real" clothes on (instead of sweatpants). I am waiting for it to be time to leave. And then, I realize--I didn't put on makeup! I am used to not wearing ANY that I didn't think about applying it when I was upstairs. The question then becomes, do I make my way upstairs (something we are told not to do much on bedrest) and apply makeup or do I eliminate it all together?

5 more days of bedrest. That's right. FIVE more days until I am (mostly)released from this 12 week journey. This week, I have been doing a few things that I wouldn't normally do. The girl that does my hair offered to come to our house and hilite my hair. Thankfully, we did not do a cut this week because at the end of the hilite, I had to venture up the stairs to take a shower. At the end of that, I WAS EXHAUSTED. No contractions or complications. Just plain tired. I could hardly move. My muscles have atrophied and whittled away to virtually nothing.

I have an exercise band that I have been working with. However, sometimes it would get my heart-rate going too much and I would start contracting or having other issues. Therefore, I have mainly used it for stretching my legs. Last night I did a few yoga poses. I am going to attempt to use my band and do yoga poses faithfully for the next 5-12 days. (And more thereafter)

I remember the overwhelming feeling after having Daisy. Almost everything I would think about doing by myself was overwhelming. It sounds ridiculous, but it is the same last time as I am finding this time. Just considering going somewhere by myself: driving there, being there, driving myself home. OVERWHELMING!!! The thought of making a recipe with more than 4 ingredients: OVERWHELMING. The thought of walking through a store: OVERWHELMING! The thought of walking around the block with Lily: OVERWHELMING. Places with lots of people and/or lots of commotion (church, playgrounds) OVERWHELMING. We have people that have been helping us in various ways and are in and out every day. However, it takes time to re-adjust to those 'normal' activities. As I recall from the last time, once I regain energy, face it, and then do the overwhelming tasks/activities, it lessens the magnitude of the 'control' it has over my mind and body. Last time, I had the task of overcoming many more physical restraints (like major blood loss) and grief. I am hoping this time, the rebound rate will be much quicker.....

Once I am at 36 weeks, if I go into labor, I go into labor. However, my doctor would prefer if I made it to 37. (Half of baby boys born at 36 weeks still go to the NICU!) So, even though I am going to attempt to be up a little bit more in the next 12 days, I will still probably limit my activities quite a bit. I probably will not be driving much, grocery shopping, etc. There is definitely strategy in rebuilding without going into labor!!!!

My brother and sister-in-law are having their baby in a few days. We will be adding another little girl to the Post Family. I am looking forward to meeting the new Miss Post. They are coming down (from Auburn) to see us this weekend. I am excited to see them. Next time we meet, we will have at least one new family member!

I am hoping/praying for this little man's arrival to be a healing moment. The birth of a healthy full-term baby will be something we have waited for for several years. However, I am aware that it will not take the pain, loss, sorrow away. In fact, the last couple of days, it has hit home with me....I still long for Daisy. I still would love to hold her in my arms. I still wish I had my little girl. This baby does not replace her. Nor does he take away the heartache or longing. He is still in my mind a redemption baby. I am looking forward to meeting him and starting a life including him in our family. And I am hoping that his presence in our lives will aid in some of the continual process of healing.

Starting to fear and have some normal uneasiness about the upcoming labor/delivery. Never know what we will be going through at the hospital. We expect the unknown. We hope for the best. I have been addressing/confessing my fears regularly and asking for God to replace it with peace. Peace that we will be accepting with His best.


  1. I have loved following you on your journey, Addie! Praying that you take every thought captive and that your labor/delivery goes well!

  2. beautiful and other way to be. I will be praying that the fears subside, that God gives you strength and makes you brave, that the obstacles will be easily overcome and that more joy than sadness will fill your heart. Love you friend! Laura:)
