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Sunday, April 22, 2012

Lily loves America's Funniest Home Videos. We watch it as a family on Sunday evenings. It is Fun to see Lily get the giggles and also start to understand some of the humor. As we watch we have to rewind and watch them over and over and over. She has learned the word hilarious due to watching the show. She also has learned the words fast-forward, ridiculous, disaster, awesome, disgusting. Some of her vocab that used to be so adorable is changing too. "to-saster" is now disaster, girl went from gourl to grill to now girl. And below you will learn her most recent vocab changing moment. As lily grows up there are some bittersweet moments such as her going to the neighbor's house to ride bikes together with her two pals that are 6 & 8. The other day she rode back and forth on the sidewalk with her 6 year old friend. Lily rode her tricycle and Sophie rode her bike with no training wheels. After that, they rode scooters and played chalk. With permission, she got to jump on their trampoline. She had a ball. However when it was time to come home, she wasn't very obediently obliging. I ended up grabbing her shoes and started to pick her up. She yelled, "don't pick me up!!! I am not a baby anymore!!!!" for the first time she was a little embarrassed in front of friends. Of course, I had a hard time not laughing, but my heart was also aching because of her independence. She didn't want me to hold her anymore, and especially not in front of her friends! I ended up putting her down and telling her to put on her shoes and she did so that time because she knew I would pick her up in front of her friends again if she didn't. We came home and after some disciplinary action, I asked Her if she liked the "jumpoline" (that's what she called a trampoline) lily looked at me and said "mom, it is not called a jumpoline--it is a trampoline" This morning she ate breakfast and a few minutes later she was eating a granola bar. I told her that she must be growing. She said, "As soon as I am done with my granola (pronounced gorilla) bar, I will go use my measure thing to see if I am bigger." She measured herself twice today and decided that she grew today. Her laugh is one of the most contagious laughs. During her parent/teacher conferences this past week, her teachers said whenever they hear her giggle, their day gets better. She is one of the smartest kids in the class. They had tested all the kids to see if they had number recognition. She was the ONLY kid in the class that recognized the numbers 1-10 if the teacher pointed to them randomly. I thought that was pretty basic, but I guess not. She is a smart girl.....She seems to "get" everything pretty easily. Last week she asked Matt how bees made honey. He showed her 3 informational videos off YouTube. She watched them carefully and wanted to see more, but Matt said that 3 was enough. Her information-gathering brain is in full gear. She talks constantly and is always asking questions. Many times about how things work. She sleeps from 8-8pm and at 8 in the morning, she will start saying, "Mommy, it's 8 in the beginning!" Yes, she can tell time. It started with this habit, but has changed into much more. At 11, she'll say, "Mom, it's 11 in the beginning. It is time for lunch." or "Mom it is 12 in the beginning. It is time to leave for school." Also, she knows the days of the week and which day it is currently. I guess this is above-normal!?!?!? She knows that it is Sunday and on Sunday we go to church and I go to zumba at 4 in the beginning. She knows that she goes to school on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. If I tell her a babysitter is coming on Saturday, she remembers. Saturday morning when she gets up she'll ask if her babysitter is still coming and will ask what time she'll be here. Ok, enough rambling and boasting about my girl. I just had to write some of these things down because I was feeling like I was not "documenting" it often enough.

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