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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Vocab uses

I am behind on my blog. It has been two months since I last "checked" in. Much has happened.

Henry, my brother's son, turned 1 recently. He also started walking. They sent us a little video clip of it and Lily said, "I want to watch it a hundred times. Can I watch it a hundred times, Mom?" Yes, that's my second point. Lily has started calling us Mom and Dad instead of Mommy and Daddy. It is bittersweet. I miss being called Mommy, but know it is part of the growing up process...She pronounces things more clearly every day also. She has gotten to the point where she uses some of her vocabulary words in new forms. It has had Matt and I laughing undercover many times in the past few weeks. She is trying to explain something and she uses words from her vocab, but they don't always necessary apply to the situation. Two examples: 1) She was in her bathroom with the door closed. When she tried to open the door, the rug got stuck on her stool that sits on the rug and the door. I could hear her struggling a bit to get the door opened, but knew she could do it. When she came out, she came to me and said, "I couldn't get out of the bathroom." I asked her why and she started making circular motions with her hands and said, "The rug was all, all, all.....BLENDED up!" Example 2) She has learned how to cut her banana into pieces and sprinkle her cinnamon and sugar on top. So, the other day I was attempting to let her peel the banana and she said, "I can't get it unwrapped. Can you get it unwrapped, Mom?" It totally means the same thing as peeled, but it is just amazing how their little minds work.

So much more to catch up on. Pics to upload, etc. Will be intentional about adding them soon. I need to document some of these things.

1 comment:

  1. i love these stories. just thinking of you today and praying for you too! love you, addie!!! tell lily that i like bananas unwrapped too, but not until they have plenty of spots. :) hugs

