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Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Every day I have thought of what I could put on the blog, but at the end of the day, life is busy enough that I don't actually get to typing it out! Then, when I sit down to do so, I cannot remember what I was going to type. Funny stories, provoking thoughts, new news.....all of it is gone from my head. So, I am posting some random thoughts....

Lily has bronchitis. I guess it is going around. Came on really fast.

I have a cold so today we are laying low.

Working the Vera Bradley Outlet Sale tonight, along with 3 other shifts. Very fun, very invigorating, very addicting. Makes me (to some degree) want to go back to work! Debating whether I want to pick up another shift.

Lily is pretending ALOT!

She is also making up her own ideas and thinking ahead. Matt and her were out doing errands last weekend. She said to Matt, "I have a good idea. Let's go to Old MacDonald's and a foothie." (McDonald's Smoothie) Matt said, I think Old Macdonald's is closed. She then proceeded to 'outsmart' him. She said, "Ok, I guess we can go to Foothie King then." (Smoothie King) He said that was closed too. She said, "Ok, I guess we can make a foothie when we get home." Matt finally agreed. What a negotiator.

Another day they were at Lowe's. She had pinched her finger and was still pretty upset about it. Matt was in the light bulb section and noticed a princess nightlight. He asked her if a princess nightlight would make her feel better. She said, "Sure." Then she hesitated and said, "I don't really need one. I already have one. We can get one when my other nightlight broked." Too sweet--where does she learn that practicality? :) Matt and I are both practical to some degree, but not overly so.

Made a gluten free, dairy free cake the other day. It was really yummy and I could not stop eating it! YUM. Finally a dessert that I can eat and it tastes good. It doesn't really go with my weight-loss attempts, but the cake is gone now! Piece by piece it made its way to my stomach.

Sometimes I doubt myself as a mom. I think it is probably a natural thing for most moms? After asking questions of other moms or my mom, I realize that I am doing the right thing. There are so many gray areas as a mom.

Lily can do so many things by herself now. She can even get out all of her own vitamins. I supervise, of course, but she knows how many of which ones come out of which bottles. LOVE THE INDEPENDENCE.

Added a new product to our recipe card website (
Take Out Menu Boxes. Very excited to have a new product to sell. Perfect gift for everyone.

Matt is on a new diet and new workout.

Zach is back from the Marines. Looking for a job. Living at home. Doing well.

My memory verse for the week is Psalms 66:18. Lily has a huge number of verses memorized. Every night, she and Matt have verses on cards that they go through. She's got them all down pat. She also just learned our phone number.

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