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Sunday, January 2, 2011

Jan 2--Organizing ourselves silly

The last week and a half has been a journey. Better than expected....Christmas and Matt being home made the time FLY. Matt and I have worked so hard at getting our house decluttered. We have not only gotten rid of random things we do not need, but tried to empty drawers and organize, pitch, and reevaluate. Some items are just hard to part with, but there comes a time when IT IS TIME! We still have three closets to go and half the basement that still needs our purging-crazed selves to go through. I am anxious to be finished, but it feels so good to get rid of stuff we do not need, want.

Several things have attributed to this desire, I think. One, my mom has been trying to simplify the lake cottage stuff. She is truly getting rid of TONS of stuff in order to simplify the lake. She is doing the same with the house, now that the lake stuff isn't in her house anymore.

Also, my in-laws are moving. They have a very large house now and are moving to a very small space until they find a house they love....And they are having to look at every possession and decide whether it stays or goes....

Thirdly, bringing so many Christmas items in, forces some stuff to be bygones. As gifts are received, the house is cluttered without a place. I cannot stand it and neither can Matt....So, all new items now have a place.

Lastly, Lily's toys accumulate and clutter and TAKE OVER very quickly. So, we created a playroom for her. Grandpa Zook made a table for her. It is getting painted (hopefully) this week. Then, I have a chalk board from when I was little and we are going to put that in the playroom. We got some organizational cubes from Target...Her playroom is going to be the cutest room in the house when we are completed. AND, it eliminates all the clutter of toys! All the toys now have a home upstairs. We did keep a few downstairs, but most are up, up, and away!

One thing I have not organized this week is the Daisy box. However, it is my goal to do so in the next 10 days. 10 more days of remembering day-by-day what we were doing last year at this time. It is torturous, but I am reading through the blog from last year. It is good to see notes from friends and remember daily what Daisy's life and our lives were last year.

Off to read a little bit, then to bed....All this organizing and Matt and I are exhausted every night. Too bad he has to go to work tomorrow!

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