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Friday, December 3, 2010

December 2 and 3 have so far been easier. Guess the buildup about December 1 made it less bearable. Or, possibly it is because I am busy preparing for our annual Christmas party that we host.....The party is definitely a highlight and I am excited for it to arrive, but will be sad when it is over.

Currently making pumpkin pies, then on to my chocolate pies. I don't usually make pies, but am excited to have something different at the party.

Off to continue my baking frenzie...Asked Matt to take Lily out for pizza tonight so I can bake, but thinking that I should join them. Afterall, some of the girls offered to bring dishes (I rarely take them up on it) but I did this year. I usually LOVE doing it all as a gift to them....But, this year is different :)

1 comment:

  1. Just caught up on your blog. Love you, girl! I so love your words and know that you'll make it through Decemeber. Yup. You will. :) I found your address! I still would love to here that you are okay. :)

    BIG HUG,
