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Monday, September 27, 2010

On this day last year....


On Sept 27, 2009, we went apple picking with friends. Lily and Austin had a great time toddling through the orchard, picking up apples, munching on the apples they could barely hold. I (was pregnant) pulled the kids in the wagon, reached high to pick apples, and wore a pink velour sweat outfit. (I am thinking that I may want to burn that outfit).

I started not to feel well, then I started cramping a little. We were about ready to leave the orchard and Matt was talking to the friends and I kept saying, "I need to sit down." I finally got in the car and vividly remember thinking, "I need to get home...NOW. I need to lie down." We got home and I headed STRAIGHT for our purple sofa (which we don't have anymore!) I was cramping and did not feel quite right.

All the sudden, I started bleeding. I went to the bathroom and confirmed my suspicion. And then, I started to panic. I called our OB office. It was a Sunday, but someone was on-call. I talked to my favorite nurse (Out of all the nurses on call, it was my favorite one!!! And you won't believe--I just saw at BSF recently--How amazing is that??) Anyway, talked to the nurse and she told me what I needed to monitor and what to look for. If certain things happened, I was to head straight for the ER. I was either miscarrying or I had a small (haha) subchorionic hemorrhage. After Lily was asleep, thing started happening and I told Matt that we had to go the ER. We called a couple of people to watch Lily, but no one was answering. The next door neighbors came over and stayed while we went to the ER.

At the ER, we had the best ER doctor. We really enjoyed him, despite the circumstances. We ended up being there for 4 hours. Testing, testing, testing. My parents came at some point through the hours we were there. We found out I was not miscarrying (I totally thought that's what was happening). Instead, the baby was fine. I had a subchoriconic hemorrhage. I was to be on bedrest for a few days, but to see my doctor about further care. I went home, ate dinner and laid on the sofa for the first of many days.

Little did I know what a landmark day Sept 27, 2009 was going to be. Little did I know, I would spend 13 weeks on the sofa.

Today, I started to do a few things that needed done. However, ironically, I am not feeling that well and have resigned myself to the sofa. The house is quiet for a few minutes and it feels very much like Sept 28th of last year. I am on the sofa, the house is quiet, and I am not knowing what the future is. I have, however, come a LONG way from last year. ALOT can happen in a year. Today, "standing on land in between" (those of you that went to Blackhawk yesterday will understand the phrase) my old life and the future. ALOT can happen in a year is a comforting thought. Although knowing what I know now, I know it may not be a "fun" year. I am hoping and trusting that the year will hold many joys.

Even as I read back through this post, I realize how many good things were there that day--favorite nurse, good ER doctor, Daisy was still safe, my parents were there for me when I needed them, we have great neighbors. WE ARE BLESSED. God was looking out for us that day. Even though the past year has been horrible, there were amazing things that happened and amazing people we met throughout the process.

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