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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Life has been BUSY the last few days. Almost too much so. Polly emailed a group of people and had a verse that I really enjoyed. I Thess 4:11, " Make it your ambition to lead a quiet life, to mind your own business and to work with your hands, just as we told you,"

I am instructed to make it my ambition to lead a quiet life. I like to be busy, but too busy does lead to ignoring God, the Bible, and prayer. I had too many things scheduled today (and the last several day which leads to craziness and barely squeaking by! I have enjoyed the busyness, it forces me not to mope. Not sure which is best at this point! I know I need to stay busy so that I don't hate not working, but I should probably schedule a day just to be at home too.

Got to see two Vb friends yesterday. One that is also a stay at home mom now and another that still works full time at Vb. Really good to see both and catch up with both. Seeing them does make me miss the camaraderie of working with so many great people. But, I think I am content right now. Not to mention, we have a month at the lake cottage coming up, so I am so glad I don't have to work so I am able to spend a month in a cottage! I am blessed. God has a plan.

Well, off to put Lily to bed and get my jobs done. Think mom and dad are in FWY today for cottage errands. Since they haven't seen Lily much, they are going to stop by. I think my dad misses her. Have a feeling they will stay for dinner. I am considering making Barefoot Contessa's Easy Sole Meuniere. Think it needs garlic though! I'll post if later if it is good.

1 comment:

  1. hi Addie!
    Love catching up on your SWEET blog! Today was fabulous. We love you girls. Abbi had so much fun watching Lily. She is so darn cute, Abbi just adores her. Ab was a little worried whether or not she did okay, and I told her she did GREAT! Lily was a peach and now she knows her mommy isn't going anywhere. We had to run to the bead store today so Abbi could spend her babysitting money. My girl is not a saver. :)

    Tell your mom and dad hi! and YAY for seeing old friends. Being a stay at home mom is a whole lot easier when you can chat with your friends and be reminded you are normal! Husbands are wonderful, but friends keep you sane. :)

    Love you, have a fun night. XOXO Polly
