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Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Energy, or lack thereof

The last few days I just have kept pushing and pushing myself (including today). Every evening I am beat beyond exhaustion. This afternoon, I am totally spent.

I know I shouldn't be, but I am totally frustrated. Frustrated to tears. I am tired and my body hurts. I know it is not a bug either. It is just constant physical labor that has lead me to the sofa. I want to be back to normal so badly, but it just isn't happening yet.

Lily threw up in the car today, twice. Not the flu--just something stuck in her throat. It led to several hours of cleanup, as you can imagine. I still cannot figure out how to get the carseat cover off. I spot cleaned it the best I could, but as soon as Matt gets home, I am hoping he can get it off so that we can wash it (even though the directions say not to--maybe that's why I can't get it off?)

I asked Matt to bring dinner home. I was going to try another Barefoot recipe, but just cannot even think about making dinner at the moment.

I was thinking earlier that if Daisy was living, she would probably be home by now. She would be living under our roof. I probably wouldn't be getting ANYTHING done :) due to having two little ones and no energy!!!

SO GOD--As i was writing this post, a friend dropped a quick email. Definitely helped calm my spirit. Note to self, when you are thinking of someone, drop them a note. It makes all the difference in the world!

1 comment:

  1. Addie, I pray you can find your upbeat and carefree self that I know is in there somewhere. You have the greatest laugh and sense of humor. The carseat ordeal makes me smile. Knowing you, you will find a way to take it apart, bleach it and turn it into an even trendier carseat than it was! Sorry to hear you had a rough day. The rain should be great for your fabulous garden and hopefully that will bring you a smile!
    Can I just say takeout is perfectly acceptable anytime?! No one can do it all. Especially after cleaning up the carseat! I would say you earned some dessert too!
