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Friday, May 28, 2010

Lily is my OCD child.....Through and through

Seriously, Lily is OCD. There must be something I can do to help her. Last night, we put corn in a bowl on her highchair tray. SHE THREW A FIT. We were attempting her to at least try a few veggies (the only veggie she eats is sweet potatoes!) Oh, no, it was a catastrophe. She would not even sit down until we removed the corn. She stood up in her highchair and screamed. She could not even have the corn on her tray--it was too upsetting....What's a mom to do?

Another example, if she has any speck of anything on her, she immediately freaks out. If there is a small, unidentifiable piece of lint or dust on her hand or in her shoe, she's upset and we have to get it off or out of her shoe before anything else happens. It is so ingrained that I am not sure how to help her to compromise.

This week, it seems worse. She is teething and if things do not go her way, there are massive tears. Not to mention, Matt and I decided to take the pacifier away. So, there is another drama.........But, no pacifiers is working (other than I am going crazy with her tears and no plug.) She also was using the pacifier as a chew object for her teeth--now she doesn't have that to chew on, I think she's more irritable.

Took her to Kim's today to see how she would do. She cried off and on the entire time she was there. She did not want to be at a sitter's house. I really need her to have a sitter's so that I can count on a day once a week to get my appointments done.......Not sure what I am going to do because Lily was not very good....Now I am not sure if I should send her....She just gets so upset. Weird, though, I can drop her off at the nursery at church and she does fine......

Totally frustrated with motherhood right now. Not sure if I was cut out for staying at home full-time. And when I do try to make plans for Lily once a week so that I can gain some sanity, it didn't go well. I was able to get out a couple nights this week, but still feel as though I am going coo-coo.

Weekend is going to seem a little weird. We always go to my parent's cottage for the holiday, but since they are building, there is no where to go for the whole weekend. We have made plans, so it should be a fun weekend....just different. I need to get out of my motherhood funk so that I can enjoy a three day weekend with Matt!

Tonight is dinner and engagement party, so at least I am getting out!


  1. Don't give up on the babysitter idea! Lily spent lots of time with Grandma's this winter, and then she's had you to herself these last few months. Kiddos her age are usually completely egocentric, so it's a pretty strong will that you're suddenly (in her mind) trying to sway. Is there any way that you can ease into it? Maybe you stay with her at Kim's for a couple of short her discover some of the fun toys that are different from what she has at home...let her experience the routines there. Then plan some short visits (like an hour) where you do leave her with lots of rehearsal before hand. "Lily, you get to go play at Kim's for a little bit today! Remember how much fun you had playing with the _____? I have a meeting to go to, and then I'll be right back to get you and we will _______." Then, drop her at Kim's with a quick kiss, an "I'll be back soon" and leave quickly. Hopefully Kim can be supportive of you both during this adjustment period! We're still praying for you all!

  2. Yeah, I'm going to agree with Kim. Keep sending Lily to the babysitters. You need a break more than Lily needs to not cry. At least that's my opinion:)
    Also, when Hannah throws a fit in her high chair, which is A LOT, I just stick her in her crib. I'm not saying that's what you should do. I'm just saying I do that.

  3. Sophie was very excited lily went to kim's. We actally didn't believe her until I read the blog!! I asked her if she cried and she replied, "oh, only for about 3 hours, but we shared our toys with her and she got happy!"
    We missed you at lake gage, but the cottage looks great!! We are going slooowly through traffic back to chicago....ugh!
    Have a great week!!
